Trial on the Potomac
The Impeachment of Richard Nixon

Nominated for Awards in 6 Categories!
Including :
• Best New Play
• Best Director
• Best Performance
Written by George Bugatti
Inspired by ‘The Real Watergate Scandal’ by Geoff Shepard
Starring Rich Little
in his NY theatrical debut
About The Play
The Impeachment of Richard Nixon
Written by George Bugatti
Based on books by Geoff Shepard
“What if Richard Nixon never voluntarily resigned?
What if he fought back?
‘Trial on the Potomac’ is the dramatic reimagining of
the Watergate investigation and a shocking new outcome.”
Trial on the Potomac made its world debut at the St. Clements’ Theatre on Aug 4, 2021, completing its 5-week contracted showcase run.
This show earned critical acclaim and box office success, leading to SIX Broadway World nominations!
Currently, the show producers plan an open-ended run in NYC, Summer 2022.

Trial on the Potomac tells a tale of secret meetings, secret memos, and secret collusion that will shock America. ‘But at least you cannot say, and the American people cannot say that they have not been told the truth.’ – ‘Richard NIXON,’ Trial on the Potomac
Geoff Shepard was part of Nixon’s legal team at the time of his resignation and provides this supporting evidence in addition to his book and other material used in the play.
About Rich Little
RICH LITTLE is THE master mimic of more than 200 voices.
With an impressive touring schedule throughout the United States and Canada, he has a voice for every administration, including U.S. Presidents: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, both George Bushes, Barack Obama and now Donald Trump. In fact, infamous for his skewering of political figures, Little has charmed, amused, intrigued, and gotten the best of politicians from here to his native Canada. He entertained at both of Reagan’s presidential inaugurations, and President Reagan was reported to have said, “You do me better than I do.”
A professed classic movie buff, he’s particularly fond of doing Jimmy Stewart, Jack Lemmon, John Wayne and Humphrey Bogart, but Little has also latched on to baby boomer-friendly characters, such as Paul Lynde, Kermit the Frog, Andy Rooney, and Dr. Phil, to name a few. Some of his favorite current impressions are of stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Jack Nicholson, and Clint Eastwood. “They’re easy to do,” he says. “They are larger than life.”
In January 2010, Little became a United States citizen and during his Swearing-in Ceremony, for U.S. Citizenship, the Judge asked Rich to recite the Pledge of Allegiance as John Wayne … He did.