Senate Vote

Following each performance, our audience of Senators is asked to cast their
ballot. The ratio of Guilty votes to the Total Vote is computed to determine
the Senate Equivalent, which is the only number that would have mattered,
and this is posted by performance on our website.


When President Nixon announced his resignation on August 8, 1974, his approval rating was about 25% and impeachment by the House of Representatives was a certainty. The outlook in the Senate was equally bleak. Minority Leader Hugh Scott (R-PA) believed he had only 26 or 27 of the 34 Republican votes necessary to avoid Nixon being convicted and removed from office.

Our play asks the question, if all the evidence of wrongdoing by judges and prosecutors that Geoff Shepard has uncovered in the past decades was known at the time of a Senate trial, could Democrats have mustered the necessary 67 votes for conviction.

Senate Vote by Performance. 67 votes would have been necessary to remove Nixon from office.

August 4, Preview Night

54 Votes for Conviction

August 5, Press Night

50 Votes for Conviction

August 6, Opening Night

40 Votes for Conviction

August 7, Matinee

24 Votes for Conviction

August 7, Evening

13 Votes for Conviction

August 8, Matinee

23 Votes for Conviction

August 11, Early Evening

33 Votes for Conviction

August 12, Evening

35 Votes for Conviction

August 13, Evening

55 Votes for Conviction

August 14, Matinee

29 Votes for Conviction

August 14, Evening

58 Votes for Conviction

August 15, Matinee

73 Votes for Conviction*

Guilty Richard Nixon

August 18, Early Evening

41 Votes for Conviction

August 19, Evening

39 Votes for Conviction

August 20, Evening

50 Votes for Conviction

August 21, Matinee

50 Votes for Conviction

August 21, Evening

52 Votes for Conviction

August 22, Matinee

Cancelled due to Hurricane Henri

August 25, Matinee

42 Votes for Conviction

August 26, Evening

45 Votes for Conviction

August 27, Evening

30 Votes for Conviction

August 28, Matinee

54 Votes for Conviction

August 28, Evening

62 Votes for Conviction

August 29, Matinee

39 Votes for Conviction

September 1, Early Evening

42 Votes for Conviction

September 2, Evening

39 Votes for Conviction

September 3, Evening

26 Votes for Conviction

September 4, Matinee

33 Votes for Conviction

September 4, Evening

32 Votes for Conviction

Average of all 29 NYC performances

40 Votes for Conviction